Monday, 25 February 2013

Choosing the Right Steel Building

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You need a new warehouse for the company, or a tool shed at the farm or some extra space for the home office. What you also need is for this building to be cost effective and to be constructed as fast as possible. So what are the solutions that are open to you? The best option in this situation is a steel building. Whether your need is industrial, retail, commercial or personal, steel buildings are the answer to your construction prayers.

     Not only are these buildings easy on the pocket, they are pleasant to the eye too. Say good bye to steel that looks like steel - nowadays you can even choose from a colour palette! Now that you know you can have a sturdy building constructed at minimal costs in a short span of time, how do you go about it?

*      Step 1: Get on to the internet and search for companies where you can order your steel building online. Make a list of the ones that seem suitable to you.

*      Step 2: Next, go through each of the sites in detail. Look for the kind of steel they use, where they source it from, whether it’s galvanized or not, whether you get colour options, etc.

*      Step 3: Most sites will give you the option of availing a free quote based on the estimates you give them. Try this at all the sites and keep a note of all of them so you can compare the prices later. In fact you can use an Excel sheet to list all the comparisons, especially the cost. This will help you reach the best possible solution for you.

*     Step 4: After you compare steel building prices online, find out if you need a permit for this construction. Check with the site to see if they can offer any assistance in this matter.

*     Step 5: If the budget is extremely tight, look for used buildings. Many websites also provide once used steel buildings and you might just be able to get yourself a great deal.

Since money is one of the most important deciding factors about this purchase, you should look in to the services you are getting in great detail. While one online store may offer you a low price, their labour costs may be significantly higher. Keep an eye out for hidden costs like these. 

 If you do decide to purchase a used building, you should expect a significantly low price. But again, be aware of the condition of the building, what it was used for, what weather it has been exposed to, how long is it expected to last, if any new repairs or paint jobs are required etc. All these little things go into making up the final amount that you will have to part with. 

So, good luck with your purchase. And if you have any previous experience with buying a steel building, are planning to get one, or have any pearls of wisdom to share in this matter, do drop us a line.   


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